Conventional plastic bags


Food Bag on Roll

Conventional plastic bags

How are conventional plastic bags harmful to our environment? Let me count the ways. The average life of a disposable plastic bag is 12 minutes, and globally, we use 2 million of them every 60 seconds.

Made from non-renewable resources, polyethylene bags are extremely harmful to the marine environment because they never biodegrade. Instead, they break down into smaller and smaller pieces over the centuries, causing immeasurable damage to natural ecosystems.


Biodegradable plastic bags

In short, something is biodegradable when organisms such as fungi or bacteria can break it down. Biodegradable bags are made from plant-based materials such as corn and wheat starch, rather than petroleum. However, for this plastic, certain conditions are needed for the bags to begin biodegrading.

First, the temperature needs to reach 50 degrees Celsius. Second, the bags need to be exposed to UV light. In a marine environment, you would be hard pressed to meet either of these criteria. In addition, if biodegradable bags are sent to a landfill, they will decompose without oxygen to produce methane, a greenhouse gas with 21 times the warming power of carbon dioxide.


Compostable plastic bags

The term "compostable" is extremely misleading to the average consumer. You'd think a bag labeled "compostable" would mean you could throw it in your backyard compost pile along with your fruit and vegetable scraps, right? Wrong. Compostable bags are biodegradable, but only under certain conditions.

Compostable bags need to be composted in a specific composting facility. Compostable bags are typically made from plant material that returns the basic organic content when processed at these facilities.


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