Types of plastic bags

According to the American Chemistry Council (ACC), using plastic bags instead of paper bags offers a great opportunity for the environment. According to the ACC, not only does the production of plastic bags use 70 percent less energy than the production of paper bags, but the process of recycling one pound of plastic uses 91 percent less energy than the process of recycling one pound of paper.

ldpe plastic bags


Types of plastic bags

Plastic bags are essentially films, thin plastic sheets, usually less than 10 mm thick. Among the films used to make plastic bags, there are four most common types of polyethylene.

High-density polyethylene (HDPE)

The vast majority of grocery store bags are made from HDPE. properties of HDPE include medium opacity, easy wrinkling, higher strength than other plastic films, and lack of stretching ability. hdpe bags are usually marked by recycling code 2 and tear easily, but because of their strength, they are ideal for use as grocery bags, garment bags, and packaging air cushions.

Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE)

MDPE resin is less opaque than HDPE, but less transparent than LDPE. Bags made from MDPE typically do not stretch well and are not associated with a high degree of strength. MDPE, identified by recycling code 4, is typically used in consumer packaging for paper products, such as tissue and toilet paper.

Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

LDPE, sometimes identified by recycling code 4, is used to make bags with moderate stretch and strength properties. lDPE bags tend to exhibit a high degree of clarity and are often used in consumer packaging, such as bread bags or thick bags for newspapers. Nylon is sometimes added to LDPE to create bubble wrap.

Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)

LLDPE is slightly thinner than LDPE and is characterized by its elasticity. These films typically feel sticky and exhibit moderate clarity. LLDPE is commonly used in stretch wrap, dry cleaning film, agricultural film and thin newspaper bags, and LLDPE is often identified by recycling code 4.



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